Bachelor Theses
- Luciana Villa Castrillón, Bachelor thesis (2020): Impact of wave-ocean circulation coupling on trajectories of particles in the North Sea and Baltic Sea for an extreme event period.
- Sina Pinter, Bachelor thesis (2019): Statistical analysis of the driving forces of dune formation and movement and beach growth at the Ellenbogen Sylt.
- David Drewes, Bachelor thesis (2019): On the importance of water column stratification for sea ice cover in the Barents Sea
Thie Van Trieu, Bachelor thesis (2019): Implications of global sea level rise for the Elbe estuary.
Diplom Theses
- Kai Herklotz (1999); Implementation eines k-ε models in ein hydrodynamisches Modell, Graduate thesis, University of Hamburg.
- Jan Gentsch (2001): Nutzung von Chlorophyll Messungen aus Fernerkundungsdaten zur Verbesserung hydrodynamischer Modelle, Graduate thesis, University of Hamburg.
- Kerstin Kirchner (2003): Modellierung von Eisproduktionsraten in der Barentssee, Graduate thesis, University of Hamburg.'
- Andrea Lübben (2003): Hydrodynamische Einflüsse auf die Akkumulation mariner Organismen, Graduate thesis, University of Hamburg.
- Ute Hochbaum (2004): Modellierung hydrodynamischer Einflüsse auf den Lebenszyklus von Crangon Crangon in der Nordsee, Graduate thesis, University of Hamburg.
PhD Theses
- Anne Wiese (2020): Assessing and Reducing the Uncertainty in Regional Wave and Coupled Wave-Atmosphere Models during Extreme Events.
- Vimal Koul (2020): Decadal prediction of shelf sea marine ecosystems in the eastern North Atlantic: The role of the subpolar gyre.
- Changjin Zhao (2019): Phytoplankton dynamics in the North Sea: influence of fronts and tidal stirring on phytoplankton production.
- Ute Hochbaum (Daewel) (2008): Spatially explicit modeling of larvae growth and development, University of Hamburg.
- Frank Siegismund (2004, co-supervision contribution): Interannuale- und dekadische Variabilität von Zirkulation und Salzgehalt in der Nordsee 1958-1993.
- Frank Janssen (2002): Statistische Analyse mehrjähriger Variabilität der Hydrographie in Nord- und Ostsee. Möglichkeiten zur Validation und Korrektur systematischer Fehler eines regionalen Ozeanmodells, University of Hamburg.