Study abroad and cruises
Study abroad
There are several different options to study in another country and university during your studies with us.
While we are unable to provide specific help, we suggest to ask different students and lecturers for their ideas and experiences. We also recommend to talk to the Chair of the Examination Board of the Master or Bachelor program, while planning your exchange. Startiung the planning process at least a year in advance is also useful.
For the MSc degree, we recommend the third semester as a possibility to spend a semester abroad. While we currently only have an official agreement with Utrecht university, previous students have spent a semester abroad at numerous different universities.
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, offers an online database with information about scholarships for countries. Support and more information are also available at the Department of International Affairs (
Additionally, it is possible to apply for “Auslands-BAföG” (, which covers tuition fees (up to 4.600€), monthly support depending on the country and travel costs. It has different terms than the “normal” BAföG, thus people who are not able to receive BAföG can receive “Auslands-BAföG” and does not need to be paid back.